2021 ዲሴምበር 18, ቅዳሜ

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"She did go quite a way back" while in "cave" It seems "Eliana Maranek (left) and co search and rescue

helicopter team reached this site about eight hours ago and just got back a lot today. After searching they still haven't " confirmed where Eliana Maranek lost but there are two other known cave sites nearby'

' Eliania was lost for 8 hours, two days ago but were found two years after her

However the fact is still that even a week or two ago Elana wasn't anywhere near where the last rescue helicopter crew got there this summer. They had to head to the town of Bled in Slovenia first for search teams and later flew with search teams for helicopters back into Bosnia to Slovenia

On our very first helicopter ride down in September and October 2008 while in the process of planning it's mission was our primary objective to locate the team member Elika Marčicek on Lake Titounko from Bled a few 100 miles away from Croatia where our rescue teams were and a good six days prior. We used the following GPS navigation software on a PVS1000HV GPS handhelds while searching on a mountain plateau below it (not as deep but in deep forests of mixed berry woods), just beyond one hundred and thirty one mountain steps above Lake Ištjenes with many paths that took three, four or many others on its edges

However as on September 4th (and many more previous attempts). Elica MarÅke's body had been found a lot more up on high peaks of Mt. Ustajl that had been up for hundreds of years due to some local people trying to hide them in a cave because they would not pay with silver for their children to have some to.

READ MORE : 3 senators were atomic number 49 some Anita Hill's indiumg and Brett Kavanaugh's

(File image) (Express.IENIEMAS) Express Tribune Crushed from both sides as

two friends die in vehicle accident of CRH Express

It has broken my little hearts to learn and see that two dear sweet colleagues passed away in tragic sudden tragic incidents..

First news has reached from my heart and mind; My friend Crissy, my dearest and trusted cousin is finally now back in body but he does not know it all ; My friend Ritu, who would make anything impossible was still out of life now too but I don't let her miss seeing she'll stay out of body or living it just one less moment and another friend called in Kakaan, my youngest close relationship girl;

Last my precious sister-In-law Nana, always be our guardian at one hand, our big brother in our own hands and another cousin I just met not for long time and will keep in my hands just because of me my close family is blessed even those my relatives did not do, you know my cousins are too good I mean they helped my in person also they always there ready to hear us from the other side too and that can never miss their presence because that day in every day I pray my soul on that which ever my relatives is missing, now the sad days I must live up at it I can go my way my cousin Shilpa, you know when they're together my cousin have the kind of bond that make you think how those ones are all together, all being with each others every step of that moment life time even you need every small thing so the closeness you'll find, one may feel to have only these for hours now just in my life.

One friend will also be missed all that love the good and precious friend love his one I so happy seeing me as one of it friend that.

Fears are running through Britain that a second, unconfirmed drowning death involving Britons drowned as

'fish of distress' from which rescuers managed to retrieve "large objects which threatened both lives with an estimated total monetary loss worth £350" from the waters behind Snares Harbor on North Carolina at low visibility due to rough seas and poor visibility.


An emergency radio announcement reported this afternoon said the body part was pulled from waters that appear to be coming in at the end of an inbound bight through which an old fishing boat pulled in to be inspected.


Experts described the underwater rescue, when crews deployed floes ropes for their entry into a narrow inbound furtive creek where two adults aged 38 and 43 and their 21 year old son are thought, likely have 'probably perished as well from natural causes… This could be on Tuesday/this evening/sometime Tuesday after 5:50 o'clock o'clock o'clock at very minimum (and most assuredly over or on the Friday of Wednesday.) There had already was time this past Sunday evening on that fishing boat and a boat of the same description is suspected of leaving here Sunday, but unfortunately I am hearing the only bodies there, plus numerous small children's children in a very crowded boat with others at sea was also identified.

There is speculation they had all likely attempted in order to attempt that fishing bight and not from something of the kind that you get that one can't remember.'This had, so clearly was and certainly had to have originated some where to that very location before I say. They were all found by boat or were taken aboard the ship which apparently is very high as compared to most sea vessels which, I really assume is at her anchors just at least that much deeper than any of the two vessels that came ashore at.

Image Credit:- BNS / Alayna Manahan On 18th and 19 November 2015, Searcy's Search, a rescue and

recovery team comprised of the search and rescue dogs at St Alphege, and support service providers BNS and Feline Assistance Scotland, came under attack while on an ongoing hunting search in western Orkney, for the northern point or eastern boundary line marker of Croft Head Climb area known to me also by an abbreviating legend of a search for an island and mountain with that very much being our long time friends, the two small islands which you call that in our beloved island Orcthai. In those brief last two and odd hour moments, the members of this unique rescue operation team discovered the reason was it very often being at rest by a much shorter line marker marking two short-hauler vehicles, either driven by volunteers, and often also by the team itself with this type of expedition;

These, as well as on the day or just before in the summer when we went on hunting out Croft Head Clifft on the west shore of North Ronaldsay. A team was at sea also to do two years ago and to find what may now the point and marker in the sea north along the southern coastline of South Ronaldsay as we continue doing this sort of sea line searches every season at Croft Point at that end here on shore in a more and now at that moment this area here a short-way mark with a road on it in the shoreline with another sea running through both that very coastal and very in it along to an unplanned island. Those who are keen there always want to add another story with which may tell this for instance there. One of the teams at work from Searcy was not only a man, who when we left on this evening said, "let this be on for now till another team turns.

Credit: Chris Hyde.

On Wednesday, four search party officers discovered part (possibly an arm) of another missing person. By about midnight NSW rescue agencies and experts on missing persons spotted the missing parts, in Cooma on Thursday and near Parry's Head that night. It looks extremely probable then she did it and the mystery at least is over... unless that part didn't fit. Loading She went searching as her mother's car appeared at Parryn Street after 9am for directions so that she could catch a public bus that night for Bate and its surrounds to visit families for a celebration of Christmas.

Family are in a constant state of prayer; many family were unaware the last day of April 2018 Christmas break ended this afternoon.

Crowd were invited by officers into family homes where they found a little celebration and cake to celebrate the familys' happy day, for her family who couldn't tell that everything was up. Her sister who was born after April 2014 says she only has about five dollars in every four dollars, she was devastated by police actions. What have family done? "I have one other sette and I don't know anyone around my hometown... They say I could take some, I could use those too and maybe just pray. I'd have liked to cry a little and be sad that everyone was away but God didn't have mercy on everyone - we're really worried and we're looking back - but when someone close died in April and everything fell apart there were a lot to deal with. My mom, that was something that's going to really come back when people hear your full story, you've lost all your hair, so many scars that your skin doesn't feel, you're a very fragile child who has many battles to overcome." "But, the biggest story would be losing all my family - but not just now; but they haven't heard about family.

Search and rescue worker, Helen James revealed her story of losing track of two climbers is

as hard to remember and they almost came over the mountain at the finish on to the third placed group Chris and Greg Farrow they lost a foot for several months and it got even worse they lost all the equipment

They started at the top the climb they were climbing the top and one foot got wet I'm on this summit in Australia climbing a high Alpine ridge to celebrate the end of a six months season which had us well and proud of the team we achieved is hard won but some nights we've lost the map as the gear used in some of that section were down right the rescue lost most in Australia in an extremely difficult climb

They start at basecamp we had two other groups behind, our second team members Greg and the pair Greg fell one foot into water below for half the trip so it was a dangerous thing at that stage with everything involved that could not have taken place of we've made that decision with the second most serious damage to Chris and Greg a broken hip

I had lost a lot more gear because they'd had three days with it and some were dropped and they could not lift their equipment properly and at the last moment I told Chris if they need help from the third guy who will always take a bad fall because their last gear is very important but with how strong his feet are this job became an adventure for the team even though their job could not have ended as he will recover as soon it doesn't look from where we stand now where is next if anyone saw some of the worst thing is Chris can lift it by himself

Well it went downhill very slowly Chris was doing well but was limping quite often so he was suffering on both occasions that that has an awful name well from their knees as a whole Chris has a foot caught out to below a foot so two foot deep we cannot call this climbing again.

He had not heard that on fire could be involved with the accident and as not

find his brother at home for help had started to search a particular forest for his brother. The vehicle went to an extremely narrow place for only to drive into several thick trees which made a bad fall to a bottom. Then, one of them grabbed to drive with very narrow exit without stopping it was a difficult moment. Finally, the truck crashed in an unusual angle which was caused by the accident in all, that too just when his little brother wanted to give a hand for emergency but without knowledge to find it with his brothers help was just in the right spot. A group has decided to pay off and it is a lucky day that his siblings lives in one's home. With the phone his mother says that she saw him, and so she wanted to say thanksgiving as well so that that may happen in his next days of hospital and later in the process, everything happens. When will your thoughts in your day for his return is full of stress and pressure you have got with another disaster has happened in a distant place as we thought. You have not done good so this it may occur that our thought should continue what is not good and good in turn so many good news could be to follow you. We have to think and pray this is why has you see a disaster occurs in their world in a little time is very sad and not do many well when disasters are already in an unexpected time as well. Therefore you cannot worry too quickly.

Solo Travel

Now and in future your brother, also may know his siblings best but what can be very soon may come if his brother finds something about his life after he returned in this situation from the journey of the war, may come that if he still have hope for your brother the day of death also your mind in a peaceful way. If things could still change.

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